Aitizaz Rahim
4 min readMay 6, 2021


Technical skills:

Technical skills that you need to learn to depend on what career you want right now what you want to shift.

For example: if you want to be a writer then write more. you can practice by replying to questions on Quora, read pages on Wikipedia, write Articles on your blogs and if you like movies then you can start by writing reviews on movies in your blog. as you can attach all these links to your resume and improve your portfolio.

Similarly, if you want to be a Graphic designer Learn Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to get better or design postures and share them on social media because making a commitment to post regularly also develops discipline in you to practice every day.

If you want to become a video editor then learn Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Filmora, etc. and if you want a software engineer, learn new technologies. Be blockchain, cloud computing, or learn a language you wanted to like python, java, etc.

and these days just three years or four years of graduation is not enough. keep updating your technical skills.

Now the easiest way to figure out what skills you need to learn is to look at your resume. I know that resume is scary and gives anxiety but look at that and understand why? what section is empty? what certifications are missing? and what skills you need to add? because these skills make you stand out from the crowd.

Communication skills:

to get better at communication skills you need to work on two things. Fluency and presentation skills.

The only way to improve your fluency is to use the language as much you can. Read English Books, watch English movies, etc. there is no book or movie that will teach you English in one day. it is the combination of doing multiple things using the English language regularly. after when you build your fluency next comes presentation skills.

we might have fluency in that language but the presentation is different because it’s using some scales whether it is asking a question about a team meeting, giving a speech on stage, or asking someone to date. so there are three things that you can do to get better your presentation skills.

* Talking in front of a mirror or start talking to you. if you don’t know what to talk about just repeat the dialogues of your favorite English TV shows or movies.

* Open your favorite book and read a chapter from it and read out loud.

* Join a public club and talk in front of people and this is the best way to improve your presentation skills. just speak no matter how bad or good your speaking is and the people of the club will only encourage you. because that’s what they are there for too.

as a said earlier it’s a process so start one thing at a time. in fact, comment below and tell us what you are going to do to improve your communication skills.


one thing that we learn in this pandemic is that money is very important. on one hand, our parents tell us that money is the root of all evils, forget the money or saving and investing and on the other hand, YouTube and other videos recommended us that it is.

So let’s take a step back and start from the beginning. There are two baby steps that you need to take right now that will help you.

1) Understand what basics investment options around there. Like mutual funds, insurance etc.

2) How to generate long-term wealth using stock marketing. This is the place where money works for you and makes you more money.

I know that learning finance sounds like a lot of work but let me tell you one thing because no one is gonna tell you this. Money does not make you rich it makes you financially independent. And only when you are financially independent can make you to take your decisions. Like which college to study, whom to marry, without having to depend on parents.

I know that finance itself is a complicated topic. But breaking out into a simple task like just watching videos first will get you closer to your financial growth.

Creative Skills:

I think now you will realize that life is a struggle. Okay, I’m exaggerating but as an adult, we do have to do a lot of things. Keep learning new skills, applying for a job, maintain that job, do taxes, network with people, invest money, paying insurance, cook every day, keep the house clean, washcloths, and all of this if we don’t have kids. You need to do this day and day out and you cannot let any of this burn you up. So develop at least one creative skill. That makes you shut down for few minutes. Forget that there is a to-do waiting. Some skills that help you shut down are

  • Gardening
  • Sketching a mandala
  • Making an origami
  • Painting
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Photography
  • Dance

You can practice these skills two or three times a day. 10 to 15 minutes every day. So takes a minute and tell me what will be your creative skills. All are skills that I’m mentioning today are going to add up and come together beautifully, especially when we discuss how to make money from home. In our future articles.



Aitizaz Rahim
Aitizaz Rahim

Written by Aitizaz Rahim


Born by accident, living with a purpose. I write to inflame the broken souls out there. Writer | Storyteller | Vicious reader _Literatureowl

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