of marriage & single life by Francis bacon summary * masterbloger.com
single life vs marriage life
Of marriage:
The title of the essay “Of marriage and single life” illustrates that the essay is related to married and bachelor or single people. Sir Francis Bacon tries to show the reader difference between married life and single life.
In his essay “of marriage,” Francis Bacon explains the people who have married and have a family to look after. He further explains that a married man’s world revolves around his wife and children. He tries his level best to make the life of his beloved luxurious and easy. A married man is totally committed to his family and hence, the type loses his freedom in making decisions of his life.
Francis Bacon further explains the life of bachelors also known as single people. Bacon in his essay produces arguments on how singles have achieved much more than married people. He further says that all the inventions, discoveries, or experiments in science or real life are done by single people. He also says that a single man is helpful in building or developing society.
These singles have done the best works for society. They give charity without any hesitation. They are best friends, mentors, and servants. This is because they have a lot of free time which they spend with their friends and other people around them.
Bacon explains that single people are self-contained and he is not afraid of taking any kind of decision that can change his life. These people are not much civilized as married men are. These people think of family as a burden and source of money wastage. They think that children and wives enslave the man and hence he loses his freedom and is left with nothing.
A married man is conservative compared to a single man. He has to think a lot before giving any type of charity because he has a family to look after. He needs to give time to family and work, so he has very little time to meet with his friends and spend time with them.
Francis Bacon explains different types of married men and their different kinds of thoughts. There are people who think of children as the decline of their richness. They think they will be rich if they have no children. There is another group of people who are the most loving husbands. They have grave nature and are led by their customs.
Furthermore, Bacon explains different types of wives and their behavior towards their husbands. He thinks that those wives who are obedient and have chastity are the best wives. They are a source of inspiration for their husbands and hence are a great part of their achievements and success.
He also says that bad husbands usually get good wives. He says it with humor that these wives know the worth of their husband’s kindness and love. Because they get it very seldom. These women are proud of their patience level and they take pride in tolerating their husband’s harsh behavior.
In this essay, Sir Francis Bacon has presented the merits and demerits of the married and single life in a very interesting, simple, and convincing way. He has produced arguments on both aspects of life, making it clear for the readers to understand it easily.
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Originally published at https://masterbloger.com on July 23, 2021.